Drunk Oncers

At Granny's. The end of "The Dark Swan" Episode:

Regina to Hook:  "Did I really just call you 'guyliner'?

Hook:  "Erm, yeah, your majesty. By the way, I know about your mom sniffing your clothes after they'd been mingling in the hamper with Gold's fuzzy socks that he wore to the airport."

Regina:  "You so did not just say that!"

The Dark Swan:  "Oh, I remember that! Those socks became famous!  Henry forgot to jot the whole episode down in the book."

Granny:  "Another round, loves?"

Red:  "What the heck happened to my way cool character?"  *Sobs* "They've forgotten all about me for a Will o' the wisp" *Grr...* "They've written me out, and don't remember that I've secret sword repairing skills. Numpties."

...To be continued

...I'm a muppet

...Can't write shit

...I love Hook

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